Home Stone Sculpture Bone Carving Photography Paintings Labyrinth Information
2005  -  2008 Panasonic DMC FZ50                                                                  Page 1 After the casio and creating the taste for fooling around with images i then bought the Panasonic FZ50 a “super zoom” of it’s time, a whopping 12x...........  It was fun to play with an “all in one” camera. I owned it for years. Click the images to view bigger versions.
Home Sculptures Bone Photo-files Paintings Labyrinth Information FZ 1 FZ 2 FZ 3 FZ 4 FZ 5 FZ 6 FZ 7 FZ 8 FZ 9 FZ 10 FZ 11 FZ 12 FZ 13 FZ 14 FZ 15 FZ 16 FZ 17 FZ 18 FZ 19 FZ 20 FZ 21 FZ 22 FZ 23 FZ 24 FZ 25 FZ 26 FZ 27 FZ 28 FZ 29 FZ 30 FZ 31 FZ 32 FZ 33 FZ 34 FZ 35 FZ 36 FZ 37 FZ 38 FZ 39 FZ 40 FZ 41 Photo Files Index 2003 - 2005 Casio 2005 - 2008 Panasonic 2008 - 2011 Panasonic 2011 - 2013 Nikon D5100 2013 - 2015 Nikon D5100 2015 - 2016 Nikon D7200 2017 - Nikon D7200